Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Tomcat 7.0.32, IE & javascript comments

UPDATE: this is fixed in 7.0.33

A funny one this & one that took a while to track down.
First off the bug does not show itself in firefox or chrome (proper browsers), just IE, but sadly we have to get them all to work.

My development system was running perfectly in all tested browsers but then my tester reported an issue where a page was just displaying a blank page.

We blamed the data, his version of IE, which was 8 & I am on IE 9.

Eventually we struck on the tomcat versions. I was running 7.0.29 & he was running what is currently the latest tomcat 7.0.32

So looking further I worked out that if I swapped over the jasper jars I could get 7.0.32 to work. The issue turns out to be the javascript comments. If there is an uneven number of dashes next to the percent then the page will fail.

 So this is good.
 <%-- a good javascript comment --%>;  

& this will fail
 <%--- a dodgy javascript copmment in tomcat 7.0.32 --%>  

clock changing - Is this a Long, Short or a Normal day

Time is always a thorn in the side of developers.

In my latest project I needed to know the number of hours in a day and I could find no easy method on existing classes to determine if the day was a clock change day. I thought the great Joda date time classes would have helped but I could not find the one I needed so I wrote this.

 public enum ClockChangeInfo {  
  LONG_DAY(90000000, 25), SHORT_DAY(82800000, 23), NORMAL_DAY(86400000, 24), INDETERMINATE(0, 0);  
  private int mMsecs;  
  private int mHrs;  
  private static final Map<Integer, ClockChangeInfo> MSEC = new HashMap<Integer, ClockChangeInfo>();  
  static {  
   for (ClockChangeInfo cci : values()) {  
    MSEC.put(new Integer(cci.mMsecs), cci);  
  ClockChangeInfo(int aMsecs, int aHrs) {  
   mMsecs = aMsecs;  
   mHrs = aHrs;  
  public int getHrs(ClockChangeInfo aCci) {  
   return aCci.mHrs;  
  public static ClockChangeInfo getDayType(DateMidnight dateToCheck) {  
   DateMidnight nextDay = dateToCheck.plusDays(1);  
   //this is a safe convert as it is only for day(n) - day(n-1)  
   Integer millis = (int)(nextDay.getMillis() - dateToCheck.getMillis());  
   ClockChangeInfo cci = MSEC.get(millis);  
   if (cci == null) {  
    return INDETERMINATE;  
   return cci;  

 public class ClockChangeUtil {  
  public static ClockChangeInfo getDayType(DateMidnight dateToCheck) {  
   return ClockChangeInfo.getDayType((dateToCheck));  
  public static int getNumHoursInDay(DateMidnight dateToCheck) {  
   ClockChangeInfo dayType = ClockChangeUtil.getDayType(dateToCheck);  
   return dayType.getHrs(dayType);  
  public static int getNumHalfHoursINMonthSoFar(DateMidnight dateToCheck) {  
   int numHours = 0;  
   int day = dateToCheck.getDayOfMonth();  
   if (day == 1) {  
    return 0;  
   DateMidnight dm = dateToCheck.minusDays(1);  
   do {  
    numHours += getNumHoursInDay(dm);  
    dm = dm.minusDays(1);  
   } while (day > 1);  
   return numHours * 2;  

and some test methods for it. NB these are UK based.

 public class ClockChangeUtilUnitTest  
  public void test_isLongDay() throws Exception  
   DateMidnight dm28 = new DateMidnight(2011, 10, 28);  
   DateMidnight dm29 = new DateMidnight(2011, 10, 29);  
   DateMidnight dm30 = new DateMidnight(2011, 10, 30);  
   DateMidnight dm31 = new DateMidnight(2011, 10, 31);   
   assertEquals(ClockChangeInfo.NORMAL_DAY, ClockChangeUtil.getDayType(dm28));  
   assertEquals(ClockChangeInfo.NORMAL_DAY, ClockChangeUtil.getDayType(dm29));  
   assertEquals(ClockChangeInfo.LONG_DAY, ClockChangeUtil.getDayType(dm30));  
   assertEquals(ClockChangeInfo.NORMAL_DAY, ClockChangeUtil.getDayType(dm31));  
  public void test_isShortDay() throws Exception  
   DateMidnight dm26 = new DateMidnight(2011, 3, 26);  
   DateMidnight dm27 = new DateMidnight(2011, 3, 27);  
   DateMidnight dm28 = new DateMidnight(2011, 3, 28);  
   DateMidnight dm29 = new DateMidnight(2011, 3, 29);  
   assertEquals(ClockChangeInfo.NORMAL_DAY, ClockChangeUtil.getDayType(dm26));  
   assertEquals(ClockChangeInfo.SHORT_DAY, ClockChangeUtil.getDayType(dm27));  
   assertEquals(ClockChangeInfo.NORMAL_DAY, ClockChangeUtil.getDayType(dm28));  
   assertEquals(ClockChangeInfo.NORMAL_DAY, ClockChangeUtil.getDayType(dm29));  
  public void testClockChange() throws Exception  
   long millisInANormalDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;  
   long millisInALongDay = 25 * 60 * 60 * 1000;  
   DateMidnight dm28 = new DateMidnight(2011, 10, 28);  
   DateMidnight dm29 = new DateMidnight(2011, 10, 29);  
   DateMidnight dm30 = new DateMidnight(2011, 10, 30);  
   DateMidnight dm31 = new DateMidnight(2011, 10, 31);  
   assertEquals(millisInANormalDay, dm29.getMillis() - dm28.getMillis());  
   assertEquals(millisInANormalDay, dm30.getMillis() - dm29.getMillis());  
   assertEquals(millisInALongDay, dm31.getMillis() - dm30.getMillis());  
   DateTime dt28 = new DateTime(dm28);  
   DateTime dt29 = new DateTime(dm29);  
   DateTime dt30 = new DateTime(dm30);  
   DateTime dt31 = new DateTime(dm31);  
   assertEquals(millisInANormalDay, dt29.getMillis() - dt28.getMillis());  
   assertEquals(millisInANormalDay, dt30.getMillis() - dt29.getMillis());  
   assertEquals(millisInALongDay, dt31.getMillis() - dt30.getMillis());  
  public void test_getNumHoursInDay() throws Exception  
   DateMidnight dm26 = new DateMidnight(2011, 3, 26);  
   DateMidnight dm27 = new DateMidnight(2011, 3, 27);  
   DateMidnight dm28 = new DateMidnight(2011, 3, 28);  
   DateMidnight dm29 = new DateMidnight(2011, 3, 29);  
   assertEquals(24, ClockChangeUtil.getNumHoursInDay(dm26));  
   assertEquals(23, ClockChangeUtil.getNumHoursInDay(dm27));  
   assertEquals(24, ClockChangeUtil.getNumHoursInDay(dm28));  
   assertEquals(24, ClockChangeUtil.getNumHoursInDay(dm29));  

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

sqlserver - conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value

I have an app connecting to a microsoft sqlserver DB.

When I ran the app all was fine & when the tester ran the app it failed with the following Exception:

Caused by: The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.
at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doQuery(
at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doQueryAndInitializeNonLazyCollections(
at org.hibernate.loader.Loader.doList(
... 41 more

It took me ages to work out what the issue was until I noticed that I was connecting to the database as 'sa' & he was using the schema name.

There is a lot of info on the web about this issue concerning changing the systems Regional settings but that was not my issue. In this case the sqlserver user 'sa' had a Default language of 'English' and the schema user had a language of 'British English'. Changing the Default Language to 'English' solved the problem.

Friday, 22 June 2012

hibernate ClassCastException and Transcient methods

This is an interesting little problem I had.

I have a domain object that has a char(1) column in the database but this is not a boolean. It contains one of two characters 'N' or 'H'.

I mapped this as follows with a handy @Transcient method:

 @Column(name="NHH_HH_IND", nullable=false)
 @Length( max = 1 )
  public String getHalfHourlyIndicator()
    return mHalfHourlyIndicator;

  public void setHalfHourlyIndicator(String aHalfHourlyIndicator)
    //Integer y = new Integer((String)aHalfHourlyIndicator);
    this.mHalfHourlyIndicator = aHalfHourlyIndicator;
  public boolean isHalfHourlyIndicator()
    if (getHalfHourlyIndicator().equals("H")) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

However when trying to persist this I got a ClassCastException:

java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to java.lang.String
at at org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.VarcharTypeDescriptor$1.doBind(

But I had no Boolean objects that were not transcient.

The problem appears to be because the Transcient method has the same body IE 'HalfHourlyIndicator'

Changing this method name to something else solved the problem. This is what I ended up with.

 @Column(name="NHH_HH_IND", nullable=false)
 @Length( max = 1 )
  public String getHalfHourlyIndicator()
    return mHalfHourlyIndicator;

  public void setHalfHourlyIndicator(String aHalfHourlyIndicator)
    //Integer y = new Integer((String)aHalfHourlyIndicator);
    this.mHalfHourlyIndicator = aHalfHourlyIndicator;
  public boolean isHalfHourlyIndicatorAsBoolean()
    if (getHalfHourlyIndicator().equals("H")) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Copying files in eclipse was failing & creating a

When trying to copy a file from one project to another instead of copying the file it creates a file with the file name inside a main method.


I did not suss out when this started & I have struggled to solve the issue.
Today I sussed it with some help from the wonderful stackoverflow.

Bizarrely the cause was the Skype 'Click to Call' extension in Chrome.
The stackoverflow solution suggests an upgrade to the extension might fix it but as I do not use skype from my work PC I simply deleted the extension

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Cucumber-jvm - a first very tentative dabble

Before I start getting in to the meat of BDD & what on earth to do with it I wanted to create a basic standalone project and get the tests working.

I decided to take a look at cucumber-jvm because I have heard good things about it from the Ruby world.
Here is Cucumber-jvm on github from

The git hub link points to the whole shebang & is all maven based. I can't say I am a fan of maven at all.

So I have stripped out the hello world application and just included the jars that are needed for that application.
It can be found here on my github repository.

Included is all you need to run this as an eclipse project except the jars. I use ivy to download the required jars so they are defined in the ivy.xml file.  If you want to know more about ivy see this post I wrote a while ago.

Now I need to delve further in to the world of BDD & work out what I need to do to apply it to my current & new projects. Wish me luck.

Friday, 10 February 2012

hibernate fixes SQLServer char(n) mapping bug in 3.6.8

Hibernate have had an annoying bug where SQLServer columns mapped as char(n) where n > 1 are returned as a char instead of String.

varchar(n) columns are fine.

The hibernate bug is

It is fixed in 3.6.8 however 3.6.10 is already out so I have just downloaded & tried that.
excellent it works.

Hibernate4 is also out. I have not tried that yet but no doubt will be soon.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Multiple search windows in eclipse

This is a really simple but cute little feature.

If you pin one search window using the pin icon at the right hand end of buttons then the next time you do a search eclipse will open up a new Search window.

There is also a search history that you can look through just to the left of the pin icon.