I have just started playing with grails.
I am using 'Grails in Action' as my reference.
My current version of grails is 1.3.4
I am using the STS eclipse IDE with their built in grails plugin
Here are some initial notes on GOTCHAs I have found with the book and grails itself.
NB I will continue to update this one page with other gotchas, instaed of creating many pages.
Comments on 'Grails in Action'
'render' should be 'response.outputStream <<'
2) logo.png & snazzy.css are needed for chapt 1 & can be got from github
Comments on Grails 1.3.4
Error executing script CreateIntegrationTest: No such property: type for class: CreateIntegrationTest
No such property: type for class: CreateIntegrationTest
edit the file scripts/CreateIntegrationTest.groovy in your grails installation
and add the line
def type = "Tests"
after the line
depends(checkVersion, parseArguments)
solution from http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GRAILS-6606
NB this is fixed in 1.3.5
2) when running the test via 'grails test-app' the url for the report is incorrect
and is missing the trailing 's' from the URL
edit the file scripts/_GrailsTest.groovy line 402 and add a space after the the closing brace of testReportsDir and before the double quote
msg += " - view reports in ${testReportsDir} "
3) 1.3.5 bug - add a contraint that specifies the size of the field then it does not check for null.
IE This will allow a nulll value in name:
static constraints = {
name (size:3..8)
The work around is to do this:
static constraints = {
name (size:3..8, blank:false)
bug GRAILS-6821 has been raised on version 1.3.5